To update your profile, just follow these steps:
Log in using your current credentials
Click your avatar in the upper right corner and select Edit Profile
On the My Account page, you'll find the following sections:
Use the My Profile tab to update your profile and banner photos, name or email address, the timezone you want to track your progress in, work experience, education, social media, and other links that you may want to share:
Use the Password tab to change your current password:
Use the Subscription tab to modify your current subscription or payment method:
Use the Invoice History section within Stripe Customer Portal to view or print your invoice details:
Use the Preferences tab to modify the look and feel of your profile page, let everyone know if you're looking for work opportunities and your email notification preferences.
Use the External Apps tab to activate your Power BI Service 60-day free trial by following these steps.
Looking for something else? Contact us or send a chat -- we'd be happy to help!