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How do I contact you?
Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over 9 months ago

We're here to help and there are three main ways to get in touch with the Maven team:

  1. Send us a chat right on the site

  2. Post a new discussion within a course lesson (requires a free or a paid account)

  3. Request a Feature

Send us a chat right on the site

If you have general questions about Maven, our product, your learning goals, etc., sending a chat is the best way to contact us. From our chatbot (located at the lower right of the site), you can directly access our expert support team and get answers to your questions!

Post a discussion within a course lesson

If you have lesson-related questions, the discussion feature is the best way to ask them!

All course lessons include this discussion feature (unless expressly turned off), where you can post lesson-related questions and interact with students and instructors:

NOTE: Before posting, please note the following guidelines:

  1. Please check the discussion board to see if your question has already been asked, and spend some time researching on your own before posting (many questions can be answered with a quick Google search).

  2. We'll respond as quickly as possible (typically within 12 hours), but cannot provide 24/7 live support. We're an instructor-led company and need to eat, sleep, and spend time away from our computers 😁

  3. While we are happy to help with questions directly related to the course material, we typically cannot provide guidance on personal or work-related projects. If you're looking for project consulting, send us a request here

Request a Feature

Do you have a feature or product idea you'd like to share? Here's how you can share it with the Maven team:

If you're logged in, you can also request a feature directly from your Student Dashboard:

Requesting a feature offers two awesome benefits:

  1. It makes your idea public. This means that other users can view your idea and upvote it, increasing its chance of being produced. Similarly, you can upvote other users' ideas.

  2. It allows you to track its movement. You can check the current vote count of the idea at any time. If the status of the idea changes (i.e. it starts the production process), you'll be notified.

Not finding what you need? Reach out or send us a chat -- we'd be happy to help!

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