If you no longer need your Maven Analytics subscription, canceling is a breeze. To cancel your subscription please follow these steps:
Log in to the platform.
Expand your avatar menu in the upper right corner, and click Subscription.
Click the
icon to show your subscription options.
Click Cancel subscription to continue to Stripe.
In Stripe, click the Cancel plan button.
If you choose to cancel, you will retain full access through the end of your current monthly or annual subscription period. If you change your mind during that time, you can easily restore your account by clicking Update Subscription under the Subscription options.
NOTE: You will not receive a refund or credit for unused time.
We'll save your progress and account details, so if you choose to reactivate your subscription you can pick up right where you left off!
Not finding what you need? Reach out or send us a chat -- we'd be happy to help!