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January Jumpstart 2025 - The Competition
January Jumpstart 2025 - The Competition

This article offers a detailed walkthrough the January competition rules and requirements.

Branislav avatar
Written by Branislav
Updated over 2 months ago

January Jumpstart is all about building and advancing your data career. We will dedicate one week to a major career asset (Project Portfolio, Resume, LinkedIn Profile). In the final week, we will take a step back and vote for the most improved award.

How does the competition work?

  • Starting on Monday the 6th, every week we will announce the task and a theme for that week.

  • The tasks will include publishing on LinkedIn, public participation and discussion, and session attendance. (No worries, it'll be very clear)

  • Week's theme will always be specifically aimed at one of the career assets.

  • On a Thursday of each week, our expert guests will host a 1-hour live workshop evaluating submitted career assets for strengths and improvement opportunities.

  • In the fourth and final week of the event, Maven Analytics will provide branded templates to build a Pre-Post document and share it on LinkedIn. This document will reflect the updates and improvements made to major career assets and will be a centerpiece for the internal award discussions at Maven Analytics.

How to participate in Part 1 of the competition (weeks 1 - 3)?

  • Share your portfolio, resume, or LinkedIn profile

  • Attend at least one live workshop

  • Include the hashtag #mavenanalyticsjanuaryjumpstart2025 in your post

  • Tag Maven Analytics in your post

  • Tag the domain expert for the week in your post

  • Include appropriate phrasing in your post (for example: “Please include my [portfolio/resume/linkedin] for review during the live session this Thursday”)

  • Submit your assets via the respective "Request your review" buttons. This will guide you through a 1-2 min Typeform form. (link)

Note: we expect to receive a large number of requests for review, and the workshop is limited to an hour, so we will review resumes on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Even if your own resume is not reviewed, there is still a lot of value in attending the live session and seeing others' resumes reviewed.

How to participate in Part 2 of the competition (week 4)?

  • Share a before and after of your major career assets (Maven Analytics will provide templates)

  • Include the hashtag #mavenanalyticsjanuaryjumpstart2025 in your post

  • Tag Maven Analytics in your post

  • Tag the relevant domain expert(s) in your post

  • Explain the improvements you made in the post, and why you think they make such a big difference

How will the competition end?

After the submissions are collected on January 31st, Maven Analytics will hold a vote behind closed doors to select 1 winner who will take home:

  • Lifetime Pro access to the Maven Analytics platform

  • 2025 January Jumpstart MVP badge

  • Exclusive Maven Analytics crew t-shirt

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